Climber Colours Registry

Like the knights of old, climbers have their own colours.

In the case of us rock jocks the colours are used to mark equipment to make it easier to sort out who's gear is who's at the end of the day. To avoid confusion, we try to pick colours which no one else is using. That is where this Web page comes in. Not only can you see what colours are already taken, you can also track down the owner of gear found in the wild. Register your colours by sending an email to and maybe someone will do the same for you.

These climbers have now moved away from Nova Scotia:

Colored tape is sold at MEC. Variety packs of coloured electrical tape can be found at Radio Shack, and Sobeys. You can probably find colored tape at Wal~Mart, Canadian Tire, and other locations as well. Because I aid climb which causes more ware on the marking tape, I have switched to marking my gear with nail polish.


Last updated: September 9, 2002